What are the six elements of mental health?


The six elements that make up mental health are physical health, emotional health, social health, spiritual health, family life, and work. Mental health is a tricky topic. People can have the biggest and baddest goals in their life, but if they don't have mental health, they're not going to reach those goals. The problem is most people don't understand what mental health is, and how important it is to have a happy life.

These six elements are vital for you to have mental health. Everyone has a different definition of mental health. Some say it's as simple as happiness and nothing more. For example: "If you're not happy all the time, then you're not mentally healthy. But it seems pretty funny, at least until you realize how many people actually use this exact paragraph to describe someone they have hurt or misunderstood. It could just be an old saying that nobody else thinks about anymore.


Resilience is the ability to deal with adversity and stress, both at work and in other areas of life. Resilient people are able to bounce back from challenges and setbacks, often returning to their previous level of performance.

Resilience is the ability to keep going despite adversity. It's the strength we have when life seems too hard to handle.

Resilient people have a "can-do" attitude, even when they're in crisis. They are able to think clearly, take control of their lives and find solutions to problems. Resilient people are able to bounce back from failure and setbacks without becoming overwhelmed by them.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and challenge. It is a characteristic that allows us to survive, thrive, and grow.

Resilience is not just about being able to deal with problems—it's about how you respond when things don't go your way. Resilient people are able to bounce back from an unfortunate event and move on with their lives as if nothing happened.

This ability to bounce back from adversity makes resilient people more likely to engage in positive activities that make them feel good about themselves (e.g., doing volunteer work or taking up a new hobby). Resilient people also tend to be more optimistic and more optimistic about the future than less resilient individuals.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and adversity. It's capacity to cope with stress or trauma and still be able to function. Resilient people are more likely to thrive, have a positive outlook, and live life fully.


Problem-solving is one of the six elements of mental health. Problem-solving is a process where you work on a problem until you have found the best solution or answer to it.

Problem-solving involves using all your senses, thinking logically, and logically analyzing the problem. In order to solve a problem, you need to be able to:

Know what the problem is

Identify the information needed to solve it

Analyze possible solutions and compare them with each other

Choose an option that best fits your needs.

Problem-solving is a key element of mental health. Problem-solving is the process of identifying, analyzing, and deciding on the best solution to a problem. When we are faced with a difficult situation, our brain will automatically generate thoughts and ideas about how to solve it. Problem-solving can be done in many different ways. These include:

Exploring options – looking at all possible solutions to the problem and evaluating them in order to choose the best one

Analyzing – analyzing the situation, nature of the problem, and its causes

Deciding – making a decision that is based on logical reasoning; identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

Identify what you want to change about your life or your situation.

 Decide how you will change it (for example, by making a list of things that need changing). Identify possible solutions to your problems (for example, by brainstorming them). Evaluate each solution against your criteria for success. Choose the most appropriate solution based on your criteria and start working toward making it happen by taking action in the present situation.

Emotional regulation

Emotional regulation is the ability to manage and modulate emotional states. This includes managing the intensity and frequency of emotions, as well as their unpleasantness.

Emotional regulation can be thought of as a response system, a set of strategies that people use to manage their emotional states. They can also be thought of as a self-regulatory process that involves control over one's own emotional responses.

Emotions are important for survival because they motivate us to take action when we are faced with threats to our well-being or those of others (e.g., fear).

Emotions also motivate us toward goals that are important for our well-being (e.g., love). The goal-directedness of emotions is important because it helps guide our behavior toward values and priorities that are important for our survival and flourishing (e.g., avoiding danger).

In a friendly tone: Psychological disorders are often caused by problems with emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is the ability to manage emotions and your emotions in a healthy way.

Emotional regulation is about being able to manage your emotions, understand your emotions and respond appropriately to them. There are six elements of emotional regulation:

1- Self-awareness - knowing what you're feeling and why

2- Self-expression - expressing yourself in an appropriate way

3- Self-control - keeping yourself on task when it comes to tasks that require self-control

4- Social awareness - knowing how others are feeling, especially people at home or work


Hope is a positive mental attitude that is based on one's expectation or belief that a situation will improve. Hope is associated with confidence, optimism, and faith in the future.

Hope tends to be expressed as an expectation of the future and a preference for the future over the past or present. Hope can also be defined as having a desire and willingness to achieve something, typically at some unspecified time in the future.

Hope/optimism is one of the essential elements of mental health. It is a belief that things will get better one day, even if it seems impossible today.

It is important to be positive about life, despite all its difficulties. This optimism can be developed through a number of methods and activities.

Hope and optimism are the most important aspects of mental health. Optimism is the belief that things will improve in the future; hope is the belief that things will improve in the future, even if they don't seem to be getting better now.

Happiness is an important aspect of mental health. Happiness comes from having a positive outlook on life, which includes seeing the good in people who aren't so good, as well as in one's own situation.

It's not just the sunshine that makes you feel better. Hope and optimism are an important part of mental health, and are closely linked to optimism in general. Optimism can be defined as "the tendency to expect good things to happen" (Merriam-Webster). Hope is the belief that we can achieve our goals. Both hope and optimism are important in helping us face challenges and adversity.


Well-being is a state of well-being that may be interpreted as pleasure, contentment, or positive affect. Well-being is associated with the experience of psychological, physical, and social functioning in the context of community, family, and intimate relationships. Well-being encompasses a person's perceptions of the quality of their lives across a broad range of personal attributes. Well-being is typically measured using subjective reports (i.e., self-assessment).

The six elements of mental health are:


Healthy relationships

A sense of achievement/self-esteem

A positive outlook on life

A good work-life balance and fulfilling life outside work.

People with mental health issues often have a hard time feeling happy or satisfied with their lives. This is because they are dealing with the effects of their illness and the medications they need to take. There are many things that can contribute to a person's happiness, but when it comes to mental health, it is important not to forget about the physical body as well.

Mental health also involves more than just being happy; it includes having good relationships with others and being able to cope with stress in one's life. It also includes being able to stay focused on goals and maintain positive thinking.

In order for one's mental health to be good, he or she needs to be able to deal with his or her problems in a healthy way so that he or she can move forward in life rather than staying stuck where he or she is currently at.

The first element is to be happy. This means having positive emotions, experiencing positive emotions, and being able to express those positive emotions.


Happy is what you make it, but there are six elements that help mental health: a sense of autonomy and competence, feeling accepted for who you are, a connection to something larger than yourself, personal growth and wellness, relationships with other individuals, and a sense of balance between professional and personal lives. It'll take a lot more than six elements to achieve complete happiness, but these are some basic building blocks that are necessary to enjoy a positive mental state.

Now, it's up to you to strive for them, whether it's by sharing your feelings with an understanding friend or finding a way to influence the world around you for the better. It can be tough to pinpoint what exactly contributes to mental wellness, but there are some things that are apparent. These include sleep, exercise and diet, relationships with friends and family, a sense of spirituality and connection to your community, and a daily routine.