It's not always easy to talk about mental health, but it's even harder to handle when you're in the thick of it. There are a lot of stigma around mental health, but if you're feeling like you want to go out there and spread awareness for betterment, then we've got some tips for you.
Promoting mental health is an important part of community building. Mental illness impacts us all and we must take action to help those with mental illness in our communities. This post will look at how you can get involved with promoting mental health in the community.
We can all be agents for positive change.
We can all be agents for positive change. Our lives are filled with opportunities to make a difference.
Here are some ways you can use your influence in the community to promote mental health:
Start a conversation about mental health. Talk to people who have experienced mental illness or who know someone who has experienced it. Ask them how they were treated when they needed help or what they think might have been done differently so that the person would not have been so upset.
Take time to listen. Let people talk about their experiences and feelings without interrupting, giving advice or trying to fix problems yourself. Take notes if you need to, but don't discuss them with anyone else until you've had time to think about them yourself.
Be an ally for those who are struggling. Helping someone else is one way of promoting mental health in our community, but it doesn't always feel like it's enough! If someone comes up to you and asks for help, offer it without hesitation; even if they don't seem grateful at first, just remember that they're probably overwhelmed by their situation and appreciate anything you do.
It's up to us to promote mental health in the community. We can all be agents for positive change.
Many of us have experienced the negative effects of mental illness firsthand, and we know how damaging it can be. The good news is that there are ways to help others cope with mental health issues, and we can all play a part.
We can encourage our friends and family members to seek help when they need it. We can educate ourselves about the symptoms of depression, anxiety and other disorders through books or online resources like this website.
We also have an opportunity to make a difference by sharing our stories with others — both online and offline. When someone discloses their struggles, it's important to listen without being judgmental or dismissive. You might not understand what they're going through, but that doesn't mean you don't care or notice when they're struggling with their mental health.
Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of — in fact it should be treated as openly as any other medical condition — so there's no reason not to reach out for support if you need it!
Understand our own barriers to mental health.
We all have mental health. We all want to be happy, healthy and safe. The question is how do we get there?
The first step is to understand our own barriers to mental health. For example, if you have never been diagnosed with a mental health problem, but you have problems with stress, anxiety or depression, it might be important for you to know that these are common issues that many people face and that they can be successfully treated with therapy.
It can also help if you talk about your problems with someone who understands what you're going through. A medical doctor or psychologist will help explain the physical and psychological impacts of your condition and provide treatment options that are right for you.
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or self-harm behaviors, please talk to a trained professional immediately! They can help you find resources in your area that can help support you through this difficult time.
Tell your story and encourage others to do so, too.
The most powerful way to promote mental health in the community is to tell your story.
If you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, sharing your story can be a powerful way to help others who are struggling with the same thing.
You can write an article or blog post and share it on social media. Or you can record a video and upload it to YouTube. The possibilities are endless!
Everyone has a story worth sharing — whether they’re dealing with depression or not — so sharing your story can help others who are going through similar experiences.
You can promote mental health in the community by telling your story and encouraging others to do so, too.
If you're a patient of a mental health professional, be sure to share your experiences with friends, family and colleagues. If you're not a patient but have been diagnosed with mental illness, encourage others to visit their own doctor for a consultation.
Be an example of someone who has overcome depression or other mental health issues. Share your story in public forums such as blogs and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. You may also want to include a video or photo on your personal website or blog.
The principles of mental health promotion can, and should, be applied to all facets of a person's life, including community engagement. By fostering new attitudes and helping create new social norms in both the workplace and in the community, businesses and non-profit organizations can take an active role in promoting mental health within their spheres of influence.
Standing alone, attempting to address mental health and the stigma associated with it is difficult. But if you work together with others across local communities, your efforts can make a substantial difference. Please remember that seeking help for these issues is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are struggling, please know that you have people that care about you and want to help.